A transformative journey for experienced decision-makers

willing to become comprehensive leaders

#3 Global Executive MBA worldwide

for career development and post-graduation salary in 2023 by QS World University Rankings
#21 Global Executive MBA in Europe
by QS University Rankings in 2023
#30 Executive Education Custom Worldwide
by the Financial Times in 2023

Challenge conventions. Expand your reach.

Develop a 360-degree view of a company and expertise in business functions

Corporate finance, AI for leaders, Controlling & performance management, Global management & talent development,  Strategic & digital marketing, Entrepreneurship & innovation, Entrepreneurial finance / ICOs, Become a better negotiator,  Project management

Create value in times of disruption by adjusting strategies and business models

Setting the scene: business in the 21st century, Economy analysis for leaders, The art of strategic renewal, Ethics,  sustainability & technology, Advanced organisational design, Operations & supply chain in a VUCA world, Toward  organizations for sustainable societies: regulatory, normative & governance frameworks, actors & dynamics, The  transformation imperative

Develop the skills and mindsets for new leadership thought and action

  • Stage 1 - Developing the self: unlocking your inner leader, Developing a transformation mindset & skills
  • Stage 2 - Leading (in) a crisis and in turbulent times
  • Stage 3 - Leading with agility, Collaborative team management
  • Stage 4 : Cultural & diversity management

An in-depth project investigating one aspect of strategic significance to you and your organisation

Capstone methodology to link personal aspirations with professional ambition, Research mindset and advanced protocols  to collect and analyse data.

To receive more informations about our programme and download the brochure, please fill in the form below :

Peer Sharing

Mohamed Talaat, Power Home & Distribution QVE Program Leader at Schneider Electric
Alumni Global Executive MBA at SKEMA Business School intake 2022

“The Art Thinking workshop was an amazing start, actually I believe its the best start to open  our horizon, understand the meaning of the improbable and how we can link art with business. 3  different places is a very smart approach with addition to barters exercise that helped us since  day one to break some of our internal laws. Professional Professors with ability to address  complicated topics in a very smooth and simple way, this emphasis clearly the education high  quality level in Skema. The Cohort diversity with 17 nationalities will help us to improve our  cultural awareness and will be a key factor in our development in the program. Finally, The  support form the GEMBA team is extremely appreciated and we can see a unique  professionalism.”
Olga Sukha, Co founder & CEO of Smart Leaf
Alumni Global Executive MBA at SKEMA Business School intake 2018

“The programme was an intensive journey during which I received personalised support from  SKEMA Ventures to set up Smart Leaf, a company specialising in energy efficient solutions and  renewable energy. Exchanging and networking with highly knowledgeable professors,  experienced professionals and outstanding participants were also one of the highly valuable  benefits of this programme.”
Roni Habbal, Business Development Manager Australia & New Zealand at Suez
Alumni Global Executive MBA at SKEMA Business School intake 2019

“The programme has been such a rewarding experience on both a professional and personal  level. It has helped me develop an understanding of complex business concepts whilst  broadening my perspective about life in general and global cultural issues. Through our  meetings with local experts in different countries, I gained insights into how business is being conducted in a globalised economy.”

Additional information

38,000 euros, eligible for grants 
18 to 24 months part-time 
October 2024 
A transformative journey for experienced decision-makers willing to become  comprehensive leaders 

Quality and accreditations

Three questions to the program director of SKEMA Global Executive MBA

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Elles sont conservées pendant 2 ans et sont destinées au service Développement et Marketing France et International ainsi qu’à ses prestataires (pour les besoins de SKEMA Business School uniquement).

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